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The Gen Z Advantage: How Fresh Daily Leverages Next-Gen Talent for Success

Yesterday, during a check-in with one of my youngest team members at Fresh Daily, I asked if she was “happy working for the organization.” She replied that she was, and that Fresh Daily is where a Gen Z like her can thrive.

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The Underlying Cause of Underperformance

I have encountered many instances over the years where a team member is under-performing. I have learned that they usually fall into four major reasons, the last one I only learned recently.

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Napoleon's Victory Against All Odds

When Napoleon Bonaparte took over France after a successful coup d’etat in 1799, he faced a threat from the Austrians that imperils the country’s recovery from the previous conflict.

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Make It Work. Make It Right. Make It Fast.

Software development is a problem solving activity. Rarely does the same problem come up again and requires the same solution that you have done before.

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What Demonstrates Your Skill

Giotto (1266-1337) was a man of immense talent. He was a sculptor, a painter and an architect. When Pope Benedict XI heard about him, he sent a messenger to ask Giotto for a drawing to demonstrate his skill.

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Why Reading Is Hard

I have learned that there are two things that make reading hard. Unfamiliarity. The ideas in the book are bizarre to you because you haven’t encounter them before.